1995 | Single-channel video sculpture | 160 x 55 x 55 cm
Originally developed as the central prop for a video performance during which a singer slowly walks through a deserted forest while rendering Gustav Mahler‘s lied »Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen«, the video sculpture Haeuten consists of a black rubber body suit slit into the form of a bodice. It is festooned with miniature LCD monitors displaying extreme close-ups of the surface of human and animal skins. On coming closer to the sculpture, the visitor hears the unsettling humming of mosquitoes flying to certain death upon the fluorescent rods of an insect-exterminating contraption.
Häuten Sculpture, Videostills
Haeuten Performance 1997
with sopranist Anastasia Vareli, during the opening ceremony of the ZKM Media Museum Karlsruhe Germany 1997