talk Artworks in Capsule Spaces
subnet, Salzburg, Austria
SUBNETTALK 14. 9. 19
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Extreme Umgebungen brauchen extreme Aufenthaltsräume!
Published in: Mediale Räume
ed. Stephan Günzel; Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin 2018
>>> Kulturverlag Kadmos
talk Uncharted Paths
Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel
Phase 3. Wie wir forschen.
Symposium 18. - 20. 5. 17
>>> Muthesius Kunsthochschule
talk Kunst im Weltraum. Künstlerische Praxis in extremen Umgebungen. Eine Anleitung
acaTech Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, München
Kunst und Technik - zwischen Innovation & Kommunikation
27. März 2017
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Artworks for Astronauts:
Limits within Limitlessness, a Transdisciplinary Working Field for Artists
Published by ISR Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Volume 41, Number 1, March 2016
The article is available under >>>
talk Stay tuned - Humans in Extreme Surroundings
HAT Interdisciplinary Research Center Humanities/Art/Technology, Poznan Poland
International Conference: Post-Technological Experiences. Art - Science - Culture.
25-27 October 2014
photo © HAT/ Poznan 2014
talk Creative Activities in Space: On works of Art and Encapsulated Spaces
Frankfurter Kunstverein, February 19, 2014
photo © maecenia 2014
>>> maecenia für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst
>>> Kunstverein Frankfurt
poster #286 - Works of Art for Long-Term Astronauts
19th IAA Humans in Space Symposium
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt | Cologne, Germany; July 7-12, 2013
exhibition Z-node Forschung stellt aus
ZhdK Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Ausstellungsstr.40, Zürich, Switzerland; June 1-13, 2013
photo © Jill Scott 2013
publication Lernpapier
Andrea von Braun Stiftung, München 2013
available under >>>
discussion Raumfahrt und Identitaet
Universitaet Goettingen January 23, 2013
Graduierten Kolleg: Dynamiken von Raum und Geschlecht
photo © Graduierten Kolleg 2013
interview art as part of the life support system in long term space missions
radio orange 94.0 | 15 January 2013
Space architect Barbara Imhof interviews Kirsten Johannsen about her artworks designed for extreme environments.
>>> listen to the interview
talk per.Spice! (4) Forum Artistic Research, !IK Institut für künstlerische Forschung
Sophiensœle Berlin | 26 November 2012
workshop & exhibition ESA Topical Team Art & Science [ETTAS]
at ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands in November 2012
>>> Topical Team Report
>>> ETTAS Showcase Video
talk Atmosphäre als Medium oder wie fühlt sich der Weltraum an?
BtK Berliner technische Kunsthochschule - Hochschule für Gestaltung
Mediale Räume | 24 October 2012
Extreme Umgebungen brauchen extreme Aufenthaltsräume. Jeder kennt die Apollokapsel, mit der
1969 die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond landeten. Kapselräume sind Kunsträume. Sie sind zum Wohnen und Arbeiten und gleichzeitig für den Sport und die Freizeit, für den Transport und vor allem zum Schutz gemacht. Als funktionaler Raum ermöglicht der Kapselraum dem Menschen extreme Umgebungen zu bereisen. Doch muss neben dem äußeren Raum nicht auch der innere Erlebnisraum gestaltet werden? Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit möglichen künstlerischen Interventionen am Beispiel der Raumkapsel. Atmosphäre wird hier als Medium begriffen, das beides ist: gestaltbare Oberfläche und Kommunikationstool.
talk On Artworks and Astronauts: Outline of a Novel Artistic Practice
63. International Aereonautical Congress | Naples | 5 October 2012
This paper explores the implementation of works of art into future space habitats and their possible benefits for the astronaut. It outlines intersections of artistic and scientific debate appropriate for concerted research. Within this framework, the paper questions the potential of artworks to help spacefarer cope with physical, psychological and socio-psychological constraints they are likely to experience and which are described in the literature concerning humans in extreme environments.
talk Von Kunstwerken und Raumfahrern
Salon Sophie Charlotte | Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Kunst ist Wissen, Wissen ist Kunst | 21 January 2012
This talk looks into the potential of artistic interventions in human spaceflight. Within this complex area, artworks are transformed into scientific experiments. The process provides the artist with responsibility and asks him/her to moderate between audiences and places of presentation. Taking the »Nomadic Nature Kit« as an example, the talk delves into modalities of thinking and the beneficial value of artworks implemented into space habitats.
exhibition 2112 Imagining the Future
RMIT Gallery Melbourne Australia 2012
Earth-bound set up Nomadic Nature Kit
photo © Mark Ashkanasy 2011
>>> RMIT Gallery Melbourne
workshop ESA Topical Team Art & Science [ETTAS]
workshop at European Astronaut Centre (EAC) June 2011
The target of this Topical Team is "to expand the human and cultural aspects of space exploration through engagement with ESA initiatives and to enhance a sense of public ownership and participation in ESA research, to build professional communities for knowledge transfer. The present proposal aims at fostering the cultural dimension of all space exploration, whether performed on Earth or in space, by humans or automated techniques."
lecture Grenzen im Grenzenlosen
BtK Berliner technische Kunsthochschule – Hochschule für Gestaltung, Germany
25 May 2011
poster CAiS Creative Activities in Space :: OFF the Orbit
ISU International Space University Strasbourg | France | February 2010
symposium + exhibition Art & Science: Très simple, trop complex, theorie des modèle
HEAD Haute école d'art et de design | Geneve Switzerland, April 2010
Earth-bound set up of the »Nomadic Nature Kit«
talk The Other Place
Less Remote: The Futures of Space exploration - An Arts and Humanities Symposium
59th International Astronautical Congress, SECC Glasgow Scotland October 2008
organised by Flis Holland and The Arts Catalyst in association with Leonardo/ OLATS
talk Kunst im Weltraum, Potentiale und Grenzen
Kultur und Raumfahrt, Landesmuseum Braunschweig, Germany 2008
talk Recreation and Leisure in Outer Space
Refining the Future, Planetary Collegium, Montreal, Canada 2007
lecture The Other Space
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Art and Technology Studies Department, Chicago, USA 2007
artist in residence ESA/ ESTEC Erasmus User Centre, Noordwijk, Netherlands 2006/07
on-site research: interviews with astronauts, scientists and engineers;
modification of the »Nomadic Nature Kit«
talk The Other Space
Sripatum University, Faculty of Architecture, Digital Arts Forum, Bangkok, Thailand 2005
lecture The Nomadic Nature Kit
Chiang Mai University, Media Arts and Design, Chiang Mai, Thailand 2005
participant Study for the Cultural Utilisation of the International Space Station ISS
ESTEC European Space Research & Technology Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands in collaboration with »The Arts Catalyst« London, Leonardo/Olats, and Delta Utec. The final report of this study was submitted to ESA in 2006.