400 homelikeliness
The Artwork of Homelikeliness improves social onboard life.
The Artwork of Homelikeliness is made for the crew and their everyday onboard life. Quite likely daily routine inside the space capsule will be different to what people are used to on Earth. Limited space, enforced togetherness, the mixture of work and living, as well as the constant outdoor danger will supposedly affect the spacefarers and their homelike being-there.
This artwork is designed as a social tool and addresses the isolated and confined group of travelers. Its purpose is the facilitation of recreational leisure time activities as a positive common experience.
Homelikeliness :: recommended research areas
:: artworks for group activities; development of new metaphors
:: traditional board games adopted for weightlessness
:: new media games using onboard equipment
:: development of novel three dimensional games for group activities
:: research into historic polar leisure time activities
Homelikeliness :: suggested types of works
:: cross media
:: interactivity
:: participation
:: use of onboard equipment
This artwork is designed as a social tool and addresses the isolated and confined group of travelers. Its purpose is the facilitation of recreational leisure time activities as a positive common experience.

Homelikeliness :: recommended research areas
:: artworks for group activities; development of new metaphors
:: traditional board games adopted for weightlessness
:: new media games using onboard equipment
:: development of novel three dimensional games for group activities
:: research into historic polar leisure time activities
Homelikeliness :: suggested types of works
:: cross media
:: interactivity
:: participation
:: use of onboard equipment