300 sensorialness_example
The Artwork of Sensorialness enhances earthly stimuli and provides the user with sensory abundance.
EXAMPLE :: A simple walk would be fine
A number of video loops are suggested for this section. Each one uses earthly images and sounds of natural, urban and/or social, private landscapes.
The videos can be presented on onborad screens and are specially suggested for motivation during daily exercise time. Due to the missing gravitational force the human body reacts with the reductions of muscles, joints and bone density. For this reason, astronauts must do sport for several hours per day on a threadmill or comparable machines.
While doing sport, the projected artworks will create a virtual closeness back to Earth. They will stimulate the space traveler in an earthlike manner. In addition, concepts of rewarding could be invented and implemented into the artistic concept.
video stills - video loops
A number of video loops are suggested for this section. Each one uses earthly images and sounds of natural, urban and/or social, private landscapes.
The videos can be presented on onborad screens and are specially suggested for motivation during daily exercise time. Due to the missing gravitational force the human body reacts with the reductions of muscles, joints and bone density. For this reason, astronauts must do sport for several hours per day on a threadmill or comparable machines.
While doing sport, the projected artworks will create a virtual closeness back to Earth. They will stimulate the space traveler in an earthlike manner. In addition, concepts of rewarding could be invented and implemented into the artistic concept.
video stills - video loops